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JDi’s Key3D Brand makes fron page news.
Rapid prototyping has become an essential tool for new product development. The low cost and rapid turnaround of Key3D’s ZCorp parts has led to a major shift in the way our clients use rapid prototyping.

Key3d enables companies to use a ZCorp 3d printer much like their own paper printer. In the same way as a journalist quickly prints and proof reads a new draft, design engineers can now quickly print 3d parts, to validate scale and form much more frequently. New parts can be designed, printed overnight and be checked the following day. Think of Key3d like the Kinko’s of rapid prototyping.
A typical project which illustrates this paradigm shift in rapid prototyping is for an innovative start up company developing visor system for pilots. In the course of the 4 week accelerated development process over twenty different prototype parts were printed and the project went from a one line project brief to fully functioning visor system being tested by pilots in the air.
Harry Willborn president of Sky-Visor inc said “Key3d was a vital resource in our development process, the routine overnight 3d builds helped saved time and cost. Every new prototype brought us a step closer to the finished product”.